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Why Do Storage Heaters Have 2 Switches?
If you’ve ever wondered why these heaters have two switches, it’s because each plays a distinct role in regulating heat storage and distribution.
Do Storage Heaters Improve EPC?
Today, modern high-heat retention storage heaters deliver reliable heating while also helping to improve your home’s energy performance certificate (EPC) rating. For homeowners across Scotland, this upgrade is a key step toward creating a more energy-efficient and eco-friendly home.
What Are Storage Heaters?
Storage heaters are a type of electric heating system designed to store heat during off-peak hours, such as overnight, and release it gradually during the day. They are an efficient solution for homes looking to take advantage of cheaper electricity tariffs like Economy 7.
Are Modern Storage Heaters More Efficient?
Modern storage heaters are designed to use electricity more efficiently, especially when paired with Economy 7 tariffs. Older heaters would often lose heat throughout the day, but newer models are equipped with better heat retention materials and advanced insulation, ensuring minimal energy waste.
Are Storage Heaters Expensive to Run?
On average, the cost of running a storage heater can range from £1.20 to £2.50 per day, but could be higher if you're using a more basic or older model without an Economy 7 tariff.
Can I Get a Grant to Replace Storage Heaters?
If you're looking to replace outdated storage, the good news is that there are grants available to help cover the cost. In Scotland, schemes like ECO4 and LA Flex can provide you with a free storage heater grant or reduce the cost significantly.
How Much Are Storage Heaters?
The cost of storage heaters varies based on their features, size, and brand. Entry-level models typically range from £150 to £300, which are basic but functional units. Higher-end models, like the Dimplex Quantum QM125, a top-of-the-line storage heater, can cost around £1,550, including installation and VAT.
Can You Use Storage Heaters with Solar Panels?
In theory, you could use your solar panels to charge your storage heater. In practice, though, that is a little bit complicated. Storage heaters usually charge at night, during off-peak hours, and of course solar panels use power from the sun, during the day.
Can I Get a Smart Meter If I Have a Storage Heater?
The short answer is yes, you can have a smart meter if you have storage heaters. In fact, if you get a new storage heater, the installation will come with a smart meter.
However, if you already have storage heaters, your supplier might not yet be able to provide you with a smart meter. You may have to reach out to the supplier and ask for your free smart meter, and your supplier will have answers for you about how long it will take.
How Long Does a Storage Heater Take to Heat Up?
When you turn on your heater during the day, the heat comes on automatically. That is because the bricks within the heater have stored heat overnight. Typically, storage heaters take in energy for about seven hours, in order to heat up completely. Then, over the next 17 hours, they release that heat. This usually means that the heater is charging and heating up from midnight to 7am during the winter, and 1am to 5am during the summer.