What Are Storage Heaters?
Storage heaters are a type of electric heating system designed to store heat during off-peak hours, such as overnight, and release it gradually during the day. They are an efficient solution for homes looking to take advantage of cheaper electricity tariffs like Economy 7. Let's dive into some common questions about storage heaters.
How Much Are Storage Heaters?
Storage heater prices vary depending on the model and features. Basic models can start as low as £150, while high-end models like the Dimplex Quantum QM125, including installation, can reach around £1550. Installation costs often exceed the heater's price, but programs such as the ECO4 and LA Flex schemes can reduce or even eliminate the cost of installing a new heater.
You can learn more about storage heater prices in our dedicated post here.
Can I Get a Grant to Replace My Storage Heater?
Yes, you can. Schemes like ECO4 or LA Flex are designed to help households in Scotland replace old storage heaters with newer, more efficient models. MPC Energy offers a free home survey to determine your eligibility and will manage the grant application on your behalf. If eligible, your heater could be replaced at no cost or a significantly reduced rate.
To learn more about storage heater replacement grants, check out our detailed post here.
Are Storage Heaters Expensive to Run?
The running cost of a storage heater depends on factors like your electricity tariff, the type of heater and how efficiently it's used. On average, running a storage heater can cost between £1.20 and £2.50 per day. If you use Economy 7 tariffs, you can lower monthly energy expenses by upgrading to more modern heaters and optimising their usage.
You can learn more about the running costs of storage heaters in our full guide here.
Are Modern Storage Heaters More Efficient?
Yes, modern storage heaters are far more efficient than older models. They offer better heat retention, improved controls and reduced carbon output. Features like programmable thermostats and advanced insulation help make them an energy-efficient home option for modern homes.
Read our post here about how modern storage heaters can improve your home's energy efficiency.
Do Storage Heaters Improve EPC?
Installing modern storage heaters can improve your home's energy performance certificate (EPC) rating. However, other factors like insulation and window efficiency may also need to be considered. MPC Energy offers a free survey to assess your home and recommend the best energy-saving solutions, including storage heaters, to enhance your EPC rating.
You can learn more about how storage heaters can improve EPC here.
Why Do Storage Heaters Have 2 Switches?
Storage heaters typically come with two switches. One controls the input, sometimes called charge, which determines how much heat is stored overnight. The other switch controls the output, or boost, which regulates how much heat is released during the day by opening and closing the heater’s vents.
To learn more about storage heater switches, check out our detailed post here.
Are Storage Heaters Safe?
Storage heaters, particularly those made after 1974, are generally considered safe as long as they're properly vented, not blocked and well maintained. Newer models are built with advanced safety features, making them a reliable option for home heating.
You can learn more about storage heater safety in our dedicated post here.
Do Storage Heater Bricks Contain Asbestos?
No storage heaters sold in the UK after 1974 contain asbestos. Prior to this, asbestos was used in some models to reduce fire risks. If you have an older heater, it may be worth having it checked and replaced if necessary.
Read our post here about whether storage heaters contain asbestos.
How Many Kilowatts Does a Storage Heater Use?
To find out how many kilowatts (kW) a storage heater uses, check the label on the unit or look up the model online. Once you know the kW rating, multiply it by the number of hours the heater operates each day to calculate the total energy consumption over a 24-hour period.
Find out how many kW a storage heater uses here.
Let Us Help You
At MPC Energy, we specialise in offering expert advice and installation for the most energy-efficient electric storage heaters available. Our team can guide you through the process of selecting the perfect heater for your home. We will also assist you in applying for government schemes such as ECO4 and LA Flex to soften the cost of the unit and the installation. With our focus on energy efficiency and customer satisfaction, upgrading to modern storage heaters with us is a wise choice.
For more information about our services, contact us via our website or call to speak to one of our energy consultants at +44 141 951 7887.