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Guide to Buying Solar Panels
Switching to solar energy is a step towards greener living, cost efficiency, and energy independence. However, it may seem daunting to understand what kind of solar panels to buy, how much to invest and how to ensure peak performance. This guide will break it down for you, so you can make an informed choice for your home and the planet.
Do You Need Planning Permission for Solar Panels?
For many properties, solar panel installation falls under "permitted development rights." This means no planning permission is required if your installation meets certain conditions. However, there are exceptions. Whether you're a homeowner, a property developer, or a renewable energy enthusiast, it's crucial to understand these rules.
Conservation Area Solar Panels
If you're considering installing solar panels but live in a conservation area in Scotland, you might wonder if it's even possible. The good news? It is entirely achievable—with the right planning and considerations. While the process can be more challenging than a standard installation, taking the correct steps can help you bring renewable energy to your home without compromising the charm or heritage of your area.
How Long Do Solar Panels Last?
Solar panels generally have a life expectancy of 25 to 30 years, but that doesn’t mean they stop working once they reach this age. Solar panels can still produce electricity after this period. Still, the 25- to 30-year benchmark is usually the point when investing in a new system makes practical sense.
Solar Panel Dimensions and Sizes
The average solar panel used for residential purposes measures around 1.7 metres by 1 metre (1700mm x 1000mm). This measurement is a standard size for most 60-cell panels for most worldwide home installations, including in Scotland. Here’s a bit more about standard solar panel dimensions.
Solar (Photovoltaic) Panel Prices in 2025
If you’re considering renewable energy for your home, learning more about solar photovoltaic panel prices in Scotland should be one of your first steps. The average cost for a residential system is between £5,500 and £7,000 but can be cheaper or free under government schemes like ECO4 and LA Flex.
Types of Solar Panels
Solar energy has become one of the most popular renewable energy sources for homeowners. However, choosing the right one can be challenging, with so many types of solar panels available. Here we’ll break down the different types of solar panels and photovoltaic (PV) panels.
How Many kW Does a Storage Heater Use?
Every storage heater comes with a kW rating, which represents the amount of electricity it consumes per hour when charging. Here’s how to determine how much energy your heater uses daily.
Do Storage Heater Bricks Contain Asbestos?
If your home still uses storage heaters from the 1970s or earlier, you may wonder if they contain asbestos. The experts at MPC Energy can help you understand the risks and how to address them to maintain a safe and comfortable home.
Are Storage Heaters Safe?
When maintained properly, they are safe and effective. MPC Energy can help you understand the potential risks with older models and how the benefits of newer designs can help you make informed decisions about home heating.