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What Types of Boilers Are There?
This article will delve into the nuances of heat-only, condensing, combi, systems and back boilers, shedding light on how they function and the unique advantages and limitations of each one.
What Is a Back Boiler and How Do They Work?
The evolution of home heating solutions is an example of how advancements in technology and shifts in societal norms influence our daily lives. In this article we'll discuss the back boiler. Back boilers are an example of a heating solution that once enjoyed widespread popularity, particularly in the United Kingdom.
What Is a System Boiler and How Do They Work?
In the quest for efficient and practical heating solutions, system boilers are an option worth considering. Their unique design and operational approach set them apart from many other boiler types, offering specific advantages that may fit well with the needs of many households.
What Is a Combi Boiler and How Do They Work?
Combi boilers have gained significant attention for their compact nature and efficiency, making them an ideal choice for contemporary living spaces where efficiency and space economy are important.
What Is a Heat-only Boiler and How Do They Work?
Today we delve into the world of heat-only boilers, which are also referred to as conventional, traditional, open vent or regular boilers. These terms are often used interchangeably to describe a type of boiler system that’s been a staple in British homes for decades, known for its reliability and straightforward operation.
Installing an Energy-Efficient Boiler
Want to transform your home with an energy-efficient condensing boiler? Learn more about this technology before installing one.
Busting the Myths about Condensing Boilers
Researching condensing boilers? Separate the myths from the facts before installing a new boiler in your home.
Combi Boilers vs. Condensing Boilers
Combi and condensing boilers are often one and the same, depending on if it has a water heating system. Untangle boiler terminology to make the best choice.
What Is a Condensing Boiler and How Does It Work?
Learn the inner workings of a condensing boiler to help you understand how it keeps your home warm while using less energy.