Smart Meters SEO Admin Smart Meters SEO Admin

Guide to Smart Meters

This smart meter guide will walk you through the benefits of this innovative technology and how it functions. Whether you’re curious about how it works or eager to optimise your energy consumption, you’re in the right place. Discover what smart meters mean for you and how they’re shaping the future of energy management.

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Smart Meters SEO Admin Smart Meters SEO Admin

How to Read a Smart Meter

The process of taking a reading will depend on what type of smart meter you have, as well as how you pay (either single-rate or dual-rate). If you’re unsure how you pay, refer to your bill to see if it has two separate rates.

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Smart Meters SEO Admin Smart Meters SEO Admin

Do I Have a Smart Meter?

Smart meters will feature a digital display and may be located under the stairs, in a cupboard under the sink, or in an outdoor meter box. If you have a garage, it may be hidden away there. If you're unsure whether your home has one installed, this article aims to simplify the process and provide helpful steps to check.

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