Can You Use Storage Heaters with Solar Panels?

This is part of our complete guide on operating storage heaters.

If you have storage heaters, you already know you’re saving energy and money by pulling electricity from the grid during off-peak hours. If you have solar panels, you are saving energy by using the energy of the sun instead of taking it from the grid. What if you combined the two? Could you have free, zero-emission heating? Can you use storage heaters with solar panels? You can, with some careful planning.

Can Solar Panels Power Storage Heaters?

In theory, you could use your solar panels to charge your storage heater. In practice, though, that is a little bit complicated. Storage heaters usually charge at night, during off-peak hours, and of course solar panels use power from the sun, during the day.

So, how do storage heaters use excess solar energy to produce heat? Some modern heaters are made with solar storage in mind, with battery storage to contain excess energy during the day, for use in the evening. This is actually a great way to use excess solar energy, instead of sending it back to the grid.

If there is no excess solar energy, and there is not enough to charge the storage heaters, the consumer can switch the heaters to use power from the grid during off peak hours.

What is the Best Way to Use Solar Panels with Storage Heaters?

In truth, it rarely works out to have storage heaters entirely powered by solar panels. The energy from solar panels fluctuates, which means that it is often necessary to use electricity during off-peak hours as well. Most of the time, consumers use excess solar power from the panels to supplement the power coming from the electrical grid.

In other words, the power in the storage heater is ‘topped off’ by solar energy. In this way, they make the most of both types of energy. The equipment used to facilitate this kind of energy consumption can be expensive up front, but when you work with MPC Energy Ltd, we can install using schemes like ECO4, LA Flex and the Home Energy Scotland Grant and Loan to help make your energy more affordable.

Contact MPC Energy Ltd for Your Energy Solutions

MPC Energy has over 30 years of experience and is a trusted name in home energy improvements across the UK. We specialise in insulation, heating systems and eco-friendly solutions, offering high-quality products, exceptional service and superior craftsmanship. Our nationwide services aim to enhance home efficiency through the Energy Company Obligations Scheme and other programmes. Contact our Clydebank office in West Dunbartonshire for bespoke energy assessments and installation to fit any budget.

For more information about our services, contact us via our website or call to speak to one of our energy consultants at +44 141 951 7887.


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