How Long Do Heat Pumps Last?

This is part of our complete guide, answering the question, “Are heat pumps worth it?”

Heat pumps are an increasingly popular choice for heating and cooling homes due to their energy efficiency and environmentally friendly nature. But a common question is, “How long do heat pumps last?” Understanding the average lifespan of a heat pump and how to maximise it can help you decide if a heat pump makes sense for your home.

Average Lifespan of a Heat Pump

The lifespan of a heat pump can vary, based on the type of heat pump, how it’s used, and how it’s maintained. Generally, heat pumps can last between 15 to 20 years. Air source heat pumps, one of the most common types, have a lifespan of around 15 years. Ground source heat pumps often last a bit longer, with a lifespan of up to 20 years, due to their protected underground components.

Factors Affecting Heat Pump Lifespan

Several factors can influence the lifespan of a heat pump:

  • Quality Installation – Proper installation by a qualified technician is vital for the longevity of a heat pump. Poor installation can lead to issues that may shorten the lifespan.

  • Usage – The more a heat pump is used, the more wear and tear it experiences. However, with regular maintenance, it can still operate efficiently for many years.

  • Maintenance – Regular maintenance is key to extending the life of your heat pump. Annual servicing can prevent minor issues from becoming major problems.

  • Climate – Heat pumps in milder climates tend to last longer than those in extreme climates due to less strain on the system.

Tips to Maximise Your Heat Pump’s Lifespan

  • Regular Maintenance – Schedule annual checkups with a professional to keep your heat pump in optimal condition. This can help identify and fix small problems before they become costly repairs.

  • Clean Filters and Coils – Clean or replace filters regularly, and make sure that the coils are free from dirt and debris. This helps maintain efficiency and reduces strain on the system.

  • Proper Usage – Avoid overworking your heat pump by setting it to an efficient temperature. Using a programmable thermostat can help manage its operation more effectively.

  • Clear Surroundings – Make sure the outdoor unit is free from obstructions such as leaves, debris, or overgrown plants. Proper airflow is essential for efficient operation.

  • Professional Inspections – Have a professional inspect the system periodically, checking the refrigerant levels, electrical connections, and overall performance.


A well-maintained heat pump can serve you efficiently for up to 20 years or even more. By investing in regular maintenance, and being mindful of its usage, you can maximise its lifespan and allow it to provide reliable heating and cooling for many years.

Considering the longevity and efficiency of heat pumps, they are indeed worth the investment. For more tips and information, explore the rest of our guide on whether heat pumps are worth the investment.

Get in Touch with the Experts

Our expert team can survey your home and apply for government grants on your behalf for free. If you’re happy to go ahead with it, we’ll install the air source heat pump at the reduced cost.

Our nationwide services are tailored to boost home efficiency through ECO4 and other initiatives. Contact our Clydebank office in West Dunbartonshire for an energy assessment and installation suitable for any budget.

For more information about our services, contact us via our website or call to speak to one of our energy consultants at +44 141 951 7887.


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